The Steamboat Skier and Snowboarder Responsibility Program is designed to
communicate, educate and enforce the basics of responsible, courteous skiing and
snowboarding as outlined in Your Responsibility Code and the Colorado Skier
Safety Act.

Skier Responsibility Code
- Always stay in control and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
- People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to
avoid them.
- Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.
- Whenever starting downhill or merging onto a trail, look uphill and yield to
- Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
- Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of
closed areas.
- Before using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride
and unload safely.
High Altitude Awareness
Above 8,000 feet, altitude illness affects 20 percent to 30 percent of
visitors from low elevations to some degree. The first thing most people notice
is a shortness of breath, especially when exercising. In addition, the heart is
likely to beat faster and one may develop nausea, unusual tiredness, headache,
or have difficulty sleeping. Those with one or more of these symptoms may have
Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). If the symptoms do not subside shotrly, a doctor
should be called. Upon arrival in this area, take it easy for the first day or
two. Drink two or three times more water or fluid than usual. Limit alcohol
consumption for two or three days and minimize caffeine intake. Limit salty
foods and increase carbohydrate consumption. Most importantly, listen to your
body. Do not push the limits of your physical capabilities.
Tips - Gear to bring for winter trips to
Temperatures range from 50 degress farenheit during the day to
well below 0 degress farenheit at night. Avoid wearing cotton clothing in
winter because it absorbs moisture and doesn't insulate when it's wet.
- Sunscreen/lip balm
- Sun glasses/googles
- Fleece or wool hat
- Fleece, wool or down insulation layer
- Windproof/water resistant shell layer
- Warm boots and fleece or wool socks
- Water and energy food Slow Skiing Zones
Remember, you are sharing the slopes with others. Always use caution. Certain
areas, indicated on the trail map with a orange grid, are designated as slow
skiing zone areas. Please ski or snowboard slowly in the areas that may
experience higher traffic.
Mountain Watch Program
Steamboat Resort's premier skier and snowboarder education and enforcement
program is designed to communicate, educate and enforce the basics of
responsible skiing and snowboarding to all mountain users.
The Mountain Watch staff are easily identified on the mountain with their
bright yellow jackets, sporting the "Heads Up" patch and "Yellow Jackets"
insignia on the back, reminding all mountain users to be safe and of the
"Responsibility Code."