During Winter Park's sixty year history, many
individuals have made significant contributions to
the development and image of the ski area. Over the
years several ski trails have been identified as
Historical Trails. A commemorative sign, with a
brief narrative about the individual's contribution
to the ski area, has been installed at a convenient
location along each trail. Please take the
opportunity to visit these trails while you're
skiing and enjoy a bit of Winter Park history.
At its dedication ceremonies in 1940, Winter Park
Ski Area, then a Denver mountain park, consisted of
only three formal ski trails.
Berrien Hughes, a Denver attorney, dedicated
sportsman, and noted skiing pioneer, had introduced
many of skiing's early enthusiasts to the rugged
beauty and challenging terrain of the mountain
around Winter Park.
On May 27, 1939, Berrien Hughes died of injuries
incurred in a skiing accident on Loveland Pass just
days before. The first named ski trail at Winter
Park commemorated the man and his contribution to
the sport.
If credit can be given to any one person, then
George E. Cranmer must be designated the father of
the Winter Park Ski Area. In 1935, Cranmer became
manager of Parks and Improvements for the City of
Denver. An active and ardent outdoorsman, Cranmer
dreamed of a mountain city park that would become a
winter sports center comparable to European resorts.
Cranmer possessed the energy and purpose to push his
dream to fulfillment. By 1940, the first ski tow at
West Portal was dedicated and Denver's Winter Park
was a reality. In 1977, in recognition of his
contribution to Colorado skiing, George Cranmer was
inducted into the Ski Hall of Fame.
Allan Phipps
In 1950, when the City and County of Denver
concluded that it could no longer operate the Winter
Park Ski Area, it called upon Denver attorney Allan
R. Phipps to head the newly formed Winter Park
Recreation Association. Long an ardent skier and
civic leader, Phipps was the first chairman of the
board, setting the pattern for leadership that still
exists in Winter Park today. His induction into the
Colorado Ski Hall of Fame in 1988 recognized his
leadership in skiing.
In 1950, Steve Bradley became the first executive
director of the Winter Park Recreation Association.
Under his direction, Winter Park became an industry
leader in the development of new techniques to
further the sport of skiing.
Although he is best known for his development of
the first snow grooming machine, the "Bradley
Packer," he was also skilled in the design and
development of ski trails. Bradley was known for the
excellence of the trails he cut. Bradley's Bash is
typical of his designs – straight down the fall
line, with no side hill traverses. Bradley continued
as executive director until 1975 and was inducted
into the Colorado Ski Hall of Fame in 1979.
Jack Kendrick began his service to Winter Park in
1950, serving as one of the 15 original trustees
appointed to operate the Winter Park Recreation
Association. He was a great believer in the
potential of skiing as a major tourist attraction in
Colorado. Through his involvement in the Denver
Chamber of Commerce and the Colorado Winter Sports
Council, Jack Kendrick supported and worked for the
growth of the sport from the mid-1930s. Jack was
among those responsible for Colorado's first powered
ski tow, a rope tow installed on Berthoud Pass in
Mulligan's Mile
The history of Winter Park is filled with the
names of men and women whose contributions made
Winter Park a special place. One such person was
Dick Mulligan. Dick became Winter Park Ski Area's
caretaker in 1945, living at the base area in a
bunkhouse which formerly had housed construction
workers building the Moffat Tunnel. For 10 years,
Dick ran "his lift," the Practice Hill T-bar,
welcoming many of the young sport's earliest
participants to Winter Park and skiing.
A friendly outgoing Irishman from Kiowa,
Colorado, Dick had a well-kwown love for
conversation and an unexcelled gift for bold
exaggeration. This trail, in reality only a half
mile long, is a tribute to Dick and his gift of
Mt. Maury
In 1953, Maury Flanagan arrived in Winter Park
"in search of better snow." Maury stayed to become
one of the original members of the Winter Park Ski
School and a Winter Park legend.
Known for his booming voice, his peers nicknamed
him "Fog Horn Flanagan." His outrageous sense of
humor and unique teaching methods earned him a place
of honor in local skiing lore.
In 1958, Maury married Glenda Rawls who founded
the Winter Park children's ski school in 1961 and
served as its director until 1969. The original
children's teaching hill, Mt. Glenda, was relocated
to this site during the construction of West Portal
Station in 1980, and renamed in honor of Maury
Retta's Run
Considered to be one of the most challenging
trails at Winter Park, Retta's occupies the location
of one of the earliest lifts, the Meteor T-bar. As
an invaluable volunteer during the early years of
Winter Park's Handicap Program, Retta Stanley gave
selflessly of herself to the program and its
In her own struggle with disability, Retta was
stricken with cancer and lost one leg. Having no
pity for any handicap, including her own, she became
one of the first women three-track national
champions. In April 1977, Retta lost her eight year
battle with cancer.
In 1945, a 23-year-old skiing enthusiast named
George Engel visited Winter Park on a ski vacation.
One year later he returned to begin one of Winter
Park's longest and most successful personal stories.
First employed at Winter Park as a ski patrolman,
by 1948 George was operating the Winter Park Ski
School which he owned until its sale to the ski area
in 1982. He was instrumental in the advancement of
American ski instructor's organizations, serving as
president of the region's professional association
for 10 years.
With his wife, Joyce, he owned and operated the
Winter Park Ski Shop from 1946 to 1998. The two
organized many social, cultural, and fundraising
events for the community. The dedication of this
trail in 1964 and his induction into the Colorado
Ski Hall of Fame in 1987, recognize George Engel's
continuous personal commitment to skiing and this
Robert Balch first came to Colorado from
Massachusetts in 1934 to compete in the National Ski
Championships held in Estes Park. Four years later,
he was hired by George Cranmer to supervise
development of Denver's Winter Park at West Portal.
Bob immediately began designing ski trails and
tows for the proposed Winter Park Ski Area. He was
responsible for laying out the original trails:
Hughes, Highway Run (later abandoned), Parkway Run
and Bridge Run (now Larry Sale). Balch became Winter
Park's first manager in 1940, serving until his
enlistment in the army in 1942.
Balch would never return to his beloved Winter
Park. He was lost in the Mediterranean when his
troop ship was torpedoed in 1943. These trails, cut
in 1945, and his induction into the Colorado Ski
Hall of Fame in 1978, commemorate Balch's
involvement in the development of Winter Park.
Bill Wilson's Way
A Colorado native and member of the University of
Denver ski team, Bill "Waxy" Wilson has skiing in
his blood. Following service in the Navy during
World War II, Bill pursued various interests in the
ski industry before settling in Winter Park in 1954,
becoming a ski school instructor and serving as
assistant ski school director for George Engel. Bill
became director of the ski school in 1982 when it
was purchased by the Winter Park Recreation
Association. As a member of the ski school, with his
trademark pipe clasped tightly in his jaws, he
lobbied tirelessly for the development of the
beginner trail that now bears his name. Sadly, Bill
passed away from cancer in October, 1984, never
seeing the completed trail named in his memory.
Mary Jane
In the early 1930s, members of the Colorado
Arlberg Club began clearing the first man-made ski
trail in the western part of the United States.
The Mary Jane Trail, as it is now known, was
named after a local lady of pleasure. Mary Jane,
according to legend, acquired the land on which the
existing trail now lies, as payment from railroad
workers and miners for her favors.
What started as a sheep trail for summer grazing
has now taken its place in the annals of skiing.
While Mary Jane is described as being no lady, her
namesake trail is one of the finest to be found
anywhere in the country.